What Is a Learning Sprint?

Learning Sprints are a new framework for exploring an essential field of knowledge quickly, effectively, and enjoyably. Sprints combine curated resources and individual activities with seminar-style discussions and expert guidance to create a uniquely rewarding experience.

Why Learning Sprints?

Learning Sprints are for people who enjoy learning for its own sake. People who value comprehensive understanding, prefer to explore ideas with others, but who also lead busy lives. Sprints are designed with these needs in mind.

How Does It Work?

Sprints bring together small groups of eight learners. Each weekday, over three weeks, participants receive about thirty minutes of selected activities illuminating a key topic or aspect of the field. Twice a week, they join their fellow learners and an academic mentor in an online video session to ask questions, share their thoughts, and enrich their understanding.


Join a Learning Sprint

If you are interested in participating, please let us know and we’ll be in touch.