Help Spread the Word — Become a Semper Curious Outreach Partner
What is Semper Curious?
Semper Curious is a member community of adult learners interested in the Arts and Sciences, for pleasure and personal growth. Over the past year, Semper Curious has attracted a nucleus of members, as well as guest scholars from leading universities, and has rolled out initial offerings. To get a sense of the tone and content, feel free to visit other pages on this site, especially the Seminars page.
What is the Outreach Partner program?
Over the next few weeks Semper Curious will be conducting an outreach campaign to attract new members and grow the community.
As part of this effort, we are inviting Outreach Partners to help us spread the word. These are individuals who resonate with the Semper Curious mission and have access to individuals, groups, followers, coworkers, book-club members, etc., who might be interested in Semper Curious. The Outreach Partner’s role is simply to make them aware of Semper Curious through direct communication, social media, etc. and to share a link to a Semper Curious landing page. If visitors express interest through the landing page, Semper Curious will follow up.
Semper Curious will reserve a portion of fees from new members who join during the campaign to be shared with our partners as a referral fee, according to a formula, with appropriate allocations for named individuals vs. general (unattributable) new members. Thus, in addition to helping to make the world a more curious and knowledgeable place, Outreach Partners will participate directly in the fruits of the member campaign.
What are the next steps?
If you’d like to learn more about being an Outreach Partner, please let us know by signing up below. We’ll send you the details and see what you think.