In a World Where Ideas Matter
… ideas that make sense of complex events
… ideas that reveal patterns in nature, society, and art
… ideas that bear on decisions shaping our lives
… ideas based in research, scholarship, evidence, critique
… ideas still being refined, revised, and extended
Semper Curious is for people who take ideas seriously
Thinking deeply about the world — especially about complex issues like climate, pandemics, geopolitics, and AI — requires concepts from foundational areas as diverse as economics, biology, technology, and ethics. Semper Curious is a place where inquisitive people engage with complex ideas in all their richness — in community, over time, with stimulating materials, discussions, and direct interaction with researchers and scholars.
Ask about introductory discussions
If you’re curious, let us know. And try a small-group discussion. Each session looks at a topical subject through the lens of fields like psychology, economics, or biology. Participants receive background material in advance and bring questions and comments.
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Busy people need the right conditions
Semper Curious serves people who value ideas — but who also have limited time, prior interest, or background knowledge. Semper Curious takes these constraints seriously and organizes its offerings around these realities.
Participants choose activities to match their level of interest and available time. They are free to explore, but offerings naturally reinforce one another and are coherently organized to link topical issues to core concepts.
Materials are selected to be challenging, but not to try the participant’s patience. Interactions with peers and experts clarify ideas and increase involvement, while at the same time creating a comfortable human context.
A place for insight and perspective
Connect with people through ideas and focused learning
Be inspired by what humans have understood and formalized
Consider what it means for the future
Be an inquisitive person in a complex world
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What participants are saying
“The Semper Curious experience has been terrific for me. It’s a really good counterpoint to the reading and thinking I was already doing online, and in books and magazines. I really appreciate that you’re doing this, and am looking forward to where it all goes.”
“One of my favorites so far… I think you have a winning formula, and I’m looking forward to the next topics to be added!”
“The readings and videos for this seminar are exactly what I have been talking about – they are interesting, complex, sophisticated, and informative.”
“A real treat. The caliber of guest scholar and participants is impressive and made for such a rich conversation.”